
Thursday, February 17, 2022

E-Learning Killing Education?

Taylor sent this in, stating, "I wanted to share this Tedx Talk. I was initially drawn to this talk because of the title of the video. I envisioned it as someone debating why in-person learning is better than e-learning - I was wrong.

What Aaron Barth is arguing is not that eLearning is bad, but that we aren't creating content online that actually teaches people. He mentions that the thing online learning is lacking are scenarios and stories. The most powerful quote from the video was, 'stories create empathy, empathy in turn creates personal meaning. Personal meaning, not clicking, drives engagement. He then uses a very powerful example to demonstrate why stories help us learn. Link here.

As educators we need to incorporate more storytelling into how we teach, and encourage stories to be shared by our learners."


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