
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Snow Days and Online Learning

This just in from Arlene:

"I am a newbie in the eLearning community so I’m literally scouring articles on what eLearning is all about, the tools required to create it, and its real life benefits and uses for all of mankind. I came across this link about how schools in the East Coast have adopted the use of eLearning during snow days. Instead of “missing” schools, students attend their classes by logging onto their class’ respective site, very much like our class here. There are so many benefits to be had when incorporating this technology into the curricula. 

Being an empty nester for several years now, it never really occurred to me that eLearning has its application to the K-12 grades! Yes, I hear the kids grumbling but I do remember the “bad old days” when I was a kid waiting impatiently for the school cancellation announcement from our school district. 

We’re being pummel with rain here in Southern California right now. Along with it comes the crazy drivers, flash floods, mud slides, and gigantic surfing waves! And I’m sitting here writing a blog, thinking about how times have really changed since I went to school. It does make me nostalgic. Yet the newness of all of this gives me a sense of anticipation of what the world has to offer next in my encore career!"

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