
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Using 21st Century Constructivist Tools in Schools

Kimberly provided this link to her book review regarding 21st Century Constructivist Tools, stating, "In his recent book, The Innovator's Mindset, long-time educator George Couros provides some powerful insights on how blogs, Twitter, YouTube and other 21st century constructivist tools can be used in schools. 
For example, when a science teacher named Lisa asked how she could update her traditional mitosis lesson, Couros suggested she follow the Twitter hashtag #scichat so she could tap into ideas from other educators. Since Lisa was new to Twitter, he also showed her a YouTube video called 'Twitter in 60 Seconds.'

Lisa wanted to give her students new and better learning experiences, so she took an innovative risk. She showed the video to her students and asked 'Could you do this for mitosis?' Although she wasn't sure if she could create the video herself, she knew her students probably could figure it out. A week later, she sent Couros a copy of a student-produced video called 'Mitosis in 60 seconds.' 
By adopting an innovator’s mindset, Lisa and her students found a powerful new way to teach and learn the existing curriculum, and it had a transformative effect on the rest of their school year. She later said it was the first time every single student in her class passed the course."

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