
Monday, February 23, 2015


This just in from Latrece, who says,

"In the world of 'we need a training program created yesterday!' I often find myself behind the 8-ball with not much time to really put together what I feel would be a more quality training product to implement for learners. 

This article really spoke to me since I am the soul contributor of the training 'department.' thus the pressure is on me to have to come up with ways to quickly get so much detailed information out, plus make it fun and engaging for 350+ individuals located all across the U.S.! With numbers that high and a very short 'ramp up' time, there is no way for me to get a chance to get to know how each learner retains information. This may help others who find themselves in a 'micro'-centric training society. :)"

Check it out here

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