
Sunday, May 7, 2017

Kirkpatrick's Four Levels

This article was submitted by Donna, who states,
"Published in 2009, but like so much of what Kirkpatrick develops, this article is just as relevant as ever, and I think it is perfect for this class.  It speaks to the Kirkpatrick Four Levels of Evaluation.  We are all familiar with the four levels, however what the paper suggests is turning the four levels upside down:
- That we consider level four first--as we determine and write our objectives.  Ask and answer the question, what organizational goal/objective will the training meet?
- In order to have bottom line impact, our training should be aligned with organizational objectives from the start of development. Posing this question keeps training organizationally and bottom-line focused.  Isn't that what the level 4 evaluation should do anyway?  We, as training professionals, can really demonstrate the impact of our training, then.
- The organizational approach to training would be a proactive one, then, rather than the knee-jerk one that some of us see too often.  While the attitude toward training in organizations has certainly evolved over the last  several years, I would love to see the day that training has a seat at the table and for all organizations to ask, how can training help us to achieve our goals?

I hope you enjoy this paper as much as I have."

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